Saxperience in the Spanish Music Festival of León (Spain)

Saxperience in the Spanish Music Festival of León (Spain)
27th, June, 2013. Auditorium "Angel Barja" of León (Spain)
"Saxperience", saxophone and piano duet, formed by Antonio Cánovas and Elena Miguélez, will participate in the 26th Edition of the Spanish Music Festival of León (Spain), next June, 27th, 2013 in the Auditorium "Angel Barja" of León. The concert will be at 20:00 hours.

It will perform works by Consuelo Díez (world premiere of two of his works in version for saxophone and piano), Jesus Villa-Rojo, Joan Albert Amargós, Fernando López Blanco and Jorge Muñiz (world premiere of the work dedicated to Saxperience).